Satisfied Clients
-Nicola Love

My name is Danielle Novie, the owner of” BeYOUty Treats”. After a few years of sampling, testing, waiting for results, etc. I decided it was time to begin to let the world know who I am and what I have to offer as a business. On a daily basis I would be up long hours of the night putting together all my thoughts, ideas, brand names, products names, smells, labels, you name it. There have been many times I felt stuck and hopeless. It was too many things needed to be done for my business can run smoothly. Little did I know I would find the wonderful Chanel spencer CEO of her own company Maximum Evolution. I can honestly say I would not be this far with my business if I had not received Chanel’s guidance and assistance. Not only did Chanel help with building, promoting, product labeling, logos, t-shirts, and much more she also helped me mentally get through any rough/difficult times I have had starting my business. .
-Danielle Novie
When I think of Chanel, the words that come to mind are proficient, phenomenal, efficacious, dominant, forceful to name a few and if you knew her back story you would agree. Chanel is an amazing person who has survived. She has survived heartache, betrayal and violence from people she would have never thought would betray her but look at her now. Her head is held high and she is living her truth and has been the happiness I have ever seen her. Chanel has grown tremendously and I know because I been with her through it all. Around 2017 when she told me she is working on herself and I believed her. I know what she been through but once I saw her during her speaking engagement “Transforming your Brokenness into Your Beauty” being transparent, I cried and I loved it and I wished it was longer. I could go in depth about Chanel, but I will say this woman who is here, in front of us has endured a lot and she is conquering it. Chanel is a rose that grew from concrete and will continue to flourish. She will not let anything stop her now. I love Chanel immensely and she has made me so proud.
-Jodi Clarke

There was something special about Chanel when I first met her back in 2017 at the Doubletree Chelsea-NYC. I sensed an air of determination, confidence, and an eagerness to learn and grow. During my time working with her, I saw firsthand the can-do attitude & the drive to get things done. Those qualities were still there when I last saw her in 2019 and I guarantee they will be there forever.
– John Solema
-Kettia D. Green

I am Cassandra Elliott of Elliott Coaching and Cosulting, and I am a Life and Business Coach.
You can connect with me at
This was an amazing experience. I was so honored to work with Chanel Spencer, who is a woman of Excellence. I know this book will inspire and make impact on the lives of all who read it..
It was an amazing experience! Honored to have worked with such a woman of excellence as Chanel Spencer. I know this book will.impact the lives of many.
– Cassandra Elliott
“I am Martha Davidson CEO and Founder of S.A.G.E. Academy. It was an honor and pleasure to be a co-author with Chanel on this project. Her visionary leadership and professionalism were exemplary. This project was a reflection of her true mission in creating this Anthology and e-book that shares each co-author’s heart and truth.
I can be contacted at info@agewsage or”
– Martha Davidson

My name is Lavar Thomas, Founder of Empower For Greatness,, or connect with me on IG @Empower4Greatness. Working with Chanel Spencer on the “Our Truth is Not a Lie” anthology project has been a true pleasure and transformative experience. Chanel is a visionary and an inspiration to many seeking to get out of their way and lean into their greatness. As a friend and colleague in the field of personal development and empowement, Chanel is an emerging leader and powerhouse to look out for!
– Lavar Thomas
My name is Yvonne Brown, CEO of Affirm & Pursue Academy and Myndful Tees Boutique, connect with me on Instagram @yvonnebrownexhales or FB @yvonnebrownonline. Working with Chanel Spencer has been pure joy. Her vision for this project was divinely appointed and I am so grateful for the opportunity to have worked with her. Her coaching helped me to think deeper and resurface my power, my voice during a time that had gotten loss. As a new author, this level of expertise helped me reveal my story in a way I never thought would be possible. She is a powerhouse and the world needs to brace for what she will bring to it. I am blessed to be in a circle of influence. Thanks Chanel!
–Yvonne Brown

My name is Jodi Ann Clarke and I am an Operating Room Assistant. You can find me on Instagram at ohmyitsjojo. I have had different experiences with Chanel Spencer both personal and business and she has grown so much. I am very proud of what she has accomplished with her company and she has also flourished with how she is as a person. Every time I speak about Chanel to others I feel like my mother who brags about me to others.
– Jodi Ann Clarke
My name is Sharon Nisbett I am an author of a children’s book. I can be reached on Instagram Sharon_nisbett and www.Sharon No words can express how you showed up and showed out on my behalf. I call you BOSS LADY, thank you for stepping in, to motivate me to the next level I can not wait for what is in store for us!! You are a VISIONARY for all women around the world. I thank God for your drive and passion, you WANT to see all women WIN. You will shape the formation of all women!!! TREND SETTER go forth and change the world.
Chanel Spencer is more than just a name, she is a brand that not only lives up to her name, but produces results! She means what she says and delivers. I recommend her services without reservation.
–Sharon Nisbett

“My name is Vernae Taylor, Founder & CEO of Triple Threat Vision. Please visit, or connect with me on Instagram @vernaetaylor and @breakthroughthebook
Chanel Spencer is one of a kind!! Upon my first time encountering her on a live group mastermind class, her energetic and optimistic spirit immediately resonated with me. I knew that very moment that I wanted to know more and I wanted to collaborate with her some day. Since that initial meeting I’ve been blessed to witness her walking in power and leading myself and other Entrepreneurs and Authors in several meaningful projects. Every time she calls or posts a request, the answer is YES! I know that she will get the job done, seamlessly, professionally and expeditiously.”
Chanel Spencer, CEO of Maximum Evolution, is one of a kind!! Upon my first time encountering her on a live group mastermind class, her energetic and optimistic spirit immediately resonated with me. I knew that very moment that I wanted to know more and I wanted to collaborate with her some day. Since that initial meeting I’ve been blessed to witness her walking in power and leading myself and other Entrepreneurs and Authors in several meaningful projects. Every time she calls or posts a request, the answer is YES! I know that she will get the job done, seamlessly, professionally and expeditiously.
– Vernae Taylor
“Hi my name is Dr. Deena C. Brown, Founder, Leadhershift Movement Chanel Spencer is truly a Visionary. Chanel puts her heart and passion into every project and her execution is extraordinary. The audio anthology was sheer brilliant in thought and deed. I highly recommend working with Chanel for any author who wants to share their story and impact the world with their message.
Connect with me on Instagram @drdeenaspeaks “
–Dr. Deena C. Brown

“My name is Danielle Batiste, CEO of Diabetes Made Better LLC or connect with me on Instagram@dmbatiste77
Working with Chanel Spencer on the Anthologies was fantastic because everything was organized, straight forward, precise and execute with precision and we were include every step of the way. I will definitely work with her again on any project she is involved in because I know it will be a best seller.”
– Danielle Batiste
“I am so excited to be apart of this amazing project. Maximum Evolution under the leadership of CEO Chanel Spencer exudes professional excellence while skillfully providing support through every phase of the process. Phenomenal Experience!
My name is Pamela Garrison. I use my wheelhouse of wisdom to help build BuBBles For Life, connect with me at or on Facebook @AuthorPamelaG, instagram @iam_pamelag”
–Pamela Garrison